Investment Financial IT Incubator (INFINITI is an acronym) is a talents as a service startup of raising 🦄 unicorns /enterprise $1B+ Cap. IT startups. We help businesses to prove ideas for creating an IT product, attract the right people and invest in IT's development. Small and medium-sized businesses achieve their financial goals much more easily through IT investments and INFINITI' incubation programs.

  • Today, all companies are tech companies; all CEOs are tech CEOs. The technology path you choose now will determine, more decisively than ever, your company’s financial success.
  • This will enable your company to have a more sustainable business model in the competition and create its own markets.
  • Our research, based on the largest survey of enterprise systems to date, shows that most CEOs are not getting full value out of their tech investments to build a Maximum Valuable Product (MVP).
  • It also identifies what companies that are getting full value did at five key enterprise innovation decision points: Progress, Adaptation, Timing, Human+machine workforce, and Strategy (PATHS).
  • Your INFINITI plan you've choices at these juncture will help you lead and establish enterprise innovation models that power Future Systems — systems which are boundaryless, adaptable and radically human.

(P)roblem: A business does not have a qualified team and understanding of IT trends to quickly optimize its business model to technology.

(S)olution: An incubation program with continuous HADI (hypothesis testing) technology for creating corporate IT startups. This is the shortest path to grow quickly and find a technology-based business model.

(P')roduct: An individual incubation program for the development of in-demand IT products with the selection of a team and attraction of investments to enter the world market or create new niches.

(S')ervices: We provide 18 basis IT services for business. The key service of the service is the distribution of IT specialists to the business.

(O)bjective: The objective of the service is to optimize your business model for the global trends and needs of the future consumer.

Xn→∞ = P(S) + P'/ SO' (this magic formula will do X's for your business)
Let's do some Xs for you?

We match talents for trends

Paul Dealman
Paul Dealman
CEO & Co-Founder
Christina Xs
Christina Xs
IR & Co-Founder
Mike Holland
Mike Holland
Financial Advisor
Alexa Abrams
Alexa Abrams
Will Dayble
Will Dayble
MVP Architect
Dwight Stewart
Dwight Stewart
Product Design
Jesse Crawford
Jesse Crawford
Business Analytics
Sophia Young
Sophia Young
Customer Development
“We developed infiniti. to let people understand how their desires can be fulfilled in the easiest way."
Paul Dealman
CEO & Co-Founder
We're Hiring!
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